St. Stephen’s Psalter

A group of men from St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Orinda, California, gathered on a Friday evening for dinner at the start of a weekend retreat. The conversation and the food were plentiful—but an element of concern appeared every now and then: “Our topic is what? Psalms? I don’t know…it sounds kinda dry.” And the level of concern was elevated when they found out they would be expected to write their own psalm (and then talk about it!).

As we got into the topic on Saturday, and started reading and talking about the psalms, our time together took on a spiritual dimension that we all treasured. We saw that the psalms, written thousands of years ago, still spoke to our hearts. When we gathered back together, after taking a half hour for reflection and writing, it became clear just how vital the psalms still are. Just as the psalmists had shared what was on their hearts with God, so did we.

We are happy to share the meditations of our hearts with you.

To the psalms

Coming soon: The musical settings of these psalms.

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